I use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) which explains:
How we think about ourselves, the world and other people.
How what we do affects our feelings and thoughts.
By making links between what we do, think and feel, CBT can help us make changes in the way we think ("Cognitive") and the way we act ("Behaviour)". Making changes in what we think will affect what we do and feel, and changing what we do, affects the way we think and feel. Making these changes then can help us feel better. Whilst it is helpful to discuss the past and understand how our pasts have influenced our lives and how problems have arisen, CBT mostly focuses on looking for ways to improve our mental wellbeing now.
CBT can help us to break the vicious cycles of negative thinking, feelings and behaviour. When we see the parts of the vicious cycle clearly, we can change them - and therefore change the way we feel. It can also be helpful to look at the way our thoughts and feelings affect our bodies, and the physical sensations we can experience.